Happy Birthday Inshell.net!

Happy Birthday! Remember, remember, last year in November…My first post “Hello world” was born exactly one year ago, and many things have changed during the past 365 days. I have learned a lot on interesting security topics (and probably...

Hamburg.de fixes security flaw within hours!

Hamburg.de – The website of the most beautiful city in Germany which is famous for its big port and its amazing atmosphere. Some days ago I had found a Non-Persistent Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability on this website and informed the team of Hamburg.de about...

NCMedia Sound Editor Pro v7.5.1 Windows 7 Exploit

First of all…thanks b33f from fuzzysecurity.com for your hint which helped a lot in solving the reliability issue of my last exploit 🙂 ! In my last article I wrote about a missing reliable way of executing shellcode. I received a mail from b33f  about the...